Inglés, el ‘talón de Aquiles’ de las vacantes en el sector TI
Con la inminente transformación digital de las empresas, impulsada en gran medida por la pandemia, y con la apuesta en marcha de muchas startups en el territorio nacional; uno de los temas más recurrentes es sobre si Colombia cuenta con el talento necesario para...

Como entender DevSecOps en tan solo 3 pasos.
¿Alguna vez has escuchado hablar de DevSecOps? Actualmente la metodología DevOps es muy llamativa y practicada por su valor cultural y potente optimizador, pero, DevSecOps nace principalmente por la necesidad de tener seguridad en los procesos DevOps, debido a que en...
Escasez de talento TI en Colombia, un reto empresarial – Portafolio
¨Según el MinTIC, para 2025, el país tendrá un déficit de cerca de 200 mil profesionales." Como resultado de la pandemia, la revolución tecnológica ha alcanzado una aceleración exponencial al punto que según el estudio Stack it up de Experis, marca de...

What technological predictions are expected for 2022.
Red Hat experts have carried out an analysis of the technological trends that will predominate throughout 2022 in the digital transformation strategies of organizations and show IT professionals what kind of technological developments cannot ...
These are some jobs that could 'disappear' in the future
The world is constantly changing and with it occupations, jobs and labors are changing or, in some cases, disappearing.
Technology and advancements influence different aspects of daily life. The development of new functions and dynamics in the workplace are no exception.
Top strategic technology trends for 2022
Among the most important reports and predictions of the year are trends findings by the IT research company Gartner Inc., which through its analysts presented their findings during the Gartner / Xpo IT Symposium ...
Companies and data… How are they related?
During the end of last year and the beginning of this, we have found that organizations are more determined than ever to tackle transformation processes. Some in an accelerated way, forced by circumstances, another the fruit of a plan and a path ...
Strengthening capabilities with IBM
As part of an IBM commitment to train 30 million people in technology skills by 2030, the technology firm has established alliances to expand access to education and in-demand technical roles. In Colombia this lands with a plan of ...
The outstanding startups of September 2021
Source: Grupo Reforma Cd. De México (September 15, 2021) .- 3:41 p.m. The undertakings of this month are focused on shortening distances to do the super, automate work processes through the use of robots and facilitate the schemes of attention to ...
The transformation of Banking After-Covid19
By Erik Nelson | 6 minute read | August 4, 2021. Banking customers are more demanding than ever and banks need the technology to respond quickly to their needs. Over the past year, banks around the world by different ...